Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society held at APC Office,
82B High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 3rd February 2014 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
Mike Pitchford - Treasurer
John Bulmer
Ron Kidson (part)
Alan Wilmot
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington-with-Boscobel PC)

1. Apologies  received from Peter Leigh, Sarah Baker, David Thomas & David Hughes.
David Milledge had written to say he is not now available to join the committee but was very keen to be a volunteer and help with Society tasks.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 6th January 2014 were approved.

3. Main Issues

a) Treasurer’s Report.
MP reported that the Balance stood at the same amount as at the last meeting.

b) Planters.
DB suggested that MP write again to Alb PC and request an ongoing grant of say £120/year for maintenance which may come out of the hanging basket budget. ACTION: MP

c) Entrance Scheme
ACTION JB will speak to Footpath Group to ask if we could borrow the newly bought strimmer (they had bought it with a grant from Alb PC)

d) Albrighton Station
Temporary Access Ramp to Platform 1
RS summarised the outcome of the meeting on 20th January:- agreement in principle that the ramp will remain. Consortium of the four PCs, with Alb PC as the lead, will take on the ramp. A “Ramp Team” (RT) made up of representatives of the Consortium and the Civic Society will now carry on the work which involves sending proposals to, and negotiating with, NR/LNT/EE. Mark Pritchard asked that these agreements be completed by end March.

ACTION: DB reported that Donington-with-Boscobel PC have agreed to participate in the Consortium and he will speak to Boningale and Tong PCs to gain confirmation of their participation.

ACTION :DB will advise us who will represent the Consortium on the Ramp Team.

ACTION: RS will contact Alice Dilly to ask that she meets representatives of the Ramp Team on site before she prepares the SC proposals for measures in Station Rd. The Civic Society and Alb PC have discussed the matter with local residents and the RT can pass on these comments and suggestions for how the scheme may work before she starts to try to create a scheme which has the support of the majority of residents at the outset.

ACTION: Ramp Team to meet asap to get work underway and as a first action to make a plan of the various actions needed and priorities.

e) Arts & Heritage Forum  (AAHF). RK asked if they could get insurance cover under ADCS’s policy. MP had made initial enquiries and it did not seem likely but ACTION: PW would review the insurance policy further and ask the Insurance Company for their rules etc to see if we could get cover for AAHF as an affiliate or similar.
In SB’s absence PW made a report on her behalf following the recent SB/PW meeting. March fayre is being arranged but the Fayre Day fayre has been cancelled. MP suggested that a July fayre be held on a Sunday as his daughter, who makes and sells jewellery at fayres, advised that many other Arts/Crafts fayres are held on a Sunday because many people find that day is convenient and provides a day out. MP/RK/PW will attend the next AAHF committee meeting to provide support.

f) School Awards Scheme. PW reported that all schools were working on it. It was understood that Wendy Taylor, Head at Alb Primary, is to leave at the end of this year.

4. Matters arising

a) Public WC in the Crown Car Park.
DB reported that:-  SC had not yet transferred the ownership of the building to Alb PC.
It was decided that the Alb PC office would not be transferred to the WC building. DB also advised that Alb PC has suggested that the police use the council office when they vacate their office in Station Rd. Cllr M Pate preferred that the Red House is used and had spoken to the police commissioner and the use of the council office was not favoured. The committee strongly supported Alb PC’s view that it would be preferable for the police to use the council office as it is very convenient for residents to call in there and even if the police were not there, there is often someone from Alb PC or SC there and messages could be left for the police.

b) Tattoo Parlour. PW had written to the owner to ask that the sign be removed or covered.


c) Bus Shelter next to Shrewbury Arms. ACTION: DB to ask MW to write again to the owner

d) Hanging Basket Competition. RS reported that an email had been received from Sue Pate (Flower Show) asking if the Society would organise the competition. It was agreed that the Society would organise the completion and JB agreed to undertake this. RS will reply to Sue and ask her to liaise with JB. ACTION: JB
Sue said that they can also add our ADCS Flier to their programme for delivery as they did last year if we wish. 
[Post Meeting Note: MP has kindly agreed to draft the ADCS flier and liaise with the Flower Show as he did last year (flier essentially says we have a stall at the Fayre and asks residents to join or renew membership there or to leave the subs at given addresses)]

e) Place Plan. RK & RS raised the matter: During the drafting of the Neighbourhood Plan Light several of our committee had pressed that a full note included inserted to ask that “...a comprehensive review and technical assessment of the various traffic matters in Albrighton and district should be undertaken by Shropshire Council as soon as possible...”   These traffic issues were often inter-related and we did not just want a piecemeal response but an overall revue. This statement was refused and not included – one reason offered was that it was more appropriate for including in the “Place Plan”. When MP, RK and RS attended the recent Alb PC meeting to hear their debate about the access ramp we also heard that the Place Plan was now being updated but there was no time any consultation. DB reported that the Statement had not been included and asked the Society to write to him with the Statement for inclusion. ACTION: RK to circulate a draft note and PW to send on behalf of the Society

5. AOB
a) Village Green and Access Roads.
DB reported that Paul Joseland is helping Alb PC to register ownership.

Next meeting:  2 p.m. Monday 3rd March 2014.

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 7th April 2014    

All Committee Meetings, unless otherwise noted, are on the first Monday of each month at
Alb PC Offices, 82B High Street, Albrighton WV7 3JA (T: 375455).


Albrighton Fayre Saturday 12th July 2014 – please can as many committee members as possible help with our stall which is our main day for collecting new subscriptions and renewing subscriptions

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October
Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 13th October 2014